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 Big Bad's Taktikor

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Staff Ankama

Messages : 1063
Date d'inscription : 28/03/2013

Big Bad's Taktikor Empty
MessageSujet: Big Bad's Taktikor   Big Bad's Taktikor I_icon_minitimeMer 15 Jan 2014 - 13:08

Hi everbody, today i will present you a tool to draw tactical schemas :

With it you will be able to :

- Test Deployments without physical board, save them and/or print them.
- Do some tactical guides with pictures.
- Create Puzzles to wreck up minds =)
- Assemble your own map and publish them.
- Save all these things as pictures with the size of your choice.

Here some simple examples around Speedy Goultard or Flood teams :




Drag'n drop, 8 maps more an empty one, Every Krosmaster, Every invocation, Colour Circles to differentiate them, Digits, Snapping Arrows are some of the features you'll find in that tool.

The tool works on the following  web browsers :
- IE 10+
- Safari 5.1.7 +
- Chrome
- Opera

Do you want more ?

Ok, it comes with a nice help, just click on the blue bomb to discover all functionnalities. All of this in a nearly perfect english just for you =) (Well we'll say i tried Wink ).

PS : Do not hesitate to point out my english mistakes. It would be a pleasure to correct them. And to point out any Bug.

Dernière édition par Huun le Dim 19 Avr 2015 - 14:54, édité 1 fois
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Staff Ankama

Messages : 1063
Date d'inscription : 28/03/2013

Big Bad's Taktikor Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Big Bad's Taktikor   Big Bad's Taktikor I_icon_minitimeJeu 16 Jan 2014 - 12:37

1.03c :
Patched an issue with number printing
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Staff Ankama

Messages : 1063
Date d'inscription : 28/03/2013

Big Bad's Taktikor Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Big Bad's Taktikor   Big Bad's Taktikor I_icon_minitimeSam 10 Mai 2014 - 23:41

1.04 :
Now including "Season 2" 's Characters.
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Messages : 3
Date d'inscription : 09/05/2014

Big Bad's Taktikor Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Big Bad's Taktikor   Big Bad's Taktikor I_icon_minitimeDim 18 Mai 2014 - 14:37

Updated 1.05

Addition of new tiles, style Frigost, Brakmar, Amakna and 2 decorations.
More tiles, probably next week ^^

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Staff Ankama

Messages : 1063
Date d'inscription : 28/03/2013

Big Bad's Taktikor Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Big Bad's Taktikor   Big Bad's Taktikor I_icon_minitimeSam 6 Déc 2014 - 0:14

Update 1.06a

At least here !

Added new Maps:
- The Plantation (Japan Expo 2013)
- National Championship 2014

Added the following characters :
- Exclusive Figurines Season 2 (Qilby - Traitor, Yugo - Young King, Adamai - Dragon, Phaeris - Devastated, Cleophee, Percedal - Percylax, Arthur Bine)
- Junior (Tiktokovitch, Choppy Sue, Mil Kluva,Kip Agau)
- Duel Pack 2 (Queen of Thieves, King Nidas.)

Have Fun !

A link to the tool : LINK.
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Bad Aboum malade

Messages : 581
Date d'inscription : 26/08/2013
Localisation : Rennes

Big Bad's Taktikor Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Big Bad's Taktikor   Big Bad's Taktikor I_icon_minitimeSam 6 Déc 2014 - 7:28


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Staff Ankama

Messages : 1063
Date d'inscription : 28/03/2013

Big Bad's Taktikor Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Big Bad's Taktikor   Big Bad's Taktikor I_icon_minitimeMer 24 Déc 2014 - 10:40

Update 1.07 :

Added :
- Dark Heroes
- Ogrest - baby
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Messages : 2583
Date d'inscription : 17/11/2013
Age : 39
Localisation : gendrey

Big Bad's Taktikor Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Big Bad's Taktikor   Big Bad's Taktikor I_icon_minitimeMer 24 Déc 2014 - 10:44

What s about yuga?
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Staff Ankama

Messages : 1063
Date d'inscription : 28/03/2013

Big Bad's Taktikor Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Big Bad's Taktikor   Big Bad's Taktikor I_icon_minitimeDim 19 Avr 2015 - 13:49

Update 1.08 :

Added :
- YUGO - Unchained
- Season 3

An other update next week, to add summons.

- Added summons.
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Staff Ankama

Messages : 1063
Date d'inscription : 28/03/2013

Big Bad's Taktikor Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Big Bad's Taktikor   Big Bad's Taktikor I_icon_minitimeMer 17 Juin 2015 - 16:46

Update 1.09 :

added :
- Online maps
- Island I map
- New colors for Immature Dreggons
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Staff Ankama

Messages : 1063
Date d'inscription : 28/03/2013

Big Bad's Taktikor Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Big Bad's Taktikor   Big Bad's Taktikor I_icon_minitimeJeu 1 Fév 2018 - 23:59

Update 1.10 :

Added :

- Season 4, Wild Realms, OAV pack
- National Map 2016

Update 1.11 :

Added :
- Base box V2 Characters
- Chafer Archer
- Master Vampire
- Grampy - Shopkeeper
- Joris - Master

- Bonta I & Bonta II maps
- National Championship 2018 map
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Pion mob

Messages : 47
Date d'inscription : 03/08/2017

Big Bad's Taktikor Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Big Bad's Taktikor   Big Bad's Taktikor I_icon_minitimeLun 15 Oct 2018 - 9:32

Coucou Huun,

est-ce que tu as prévu une nouvelle mise à jour de ton TAKTIKOR pour la saison 6?

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Big Bad's Taktikor Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Big Bad's Taktikor   Big Bad's Taktikor I_icon_minitime

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